The Fact + Fiction team caught up with top London performance coach Josh Betteridge from TwentyTwo Training, the A Listers' go-to training studio
Everyone seems to be working out these days – but are we looking after our bodies?
What’s the importance of a good pre and post exercise regime?
Warming-up and is all about preparing the body for what will happen during your exercise session. Your joints and muscles must be prepared to deal with the extra stress for maximal efficiency. Warming-up isn’t just raising your heart-rate and core-temperature by jumping on a bike or treadmill. Cooling-down should always involve any type of stretching. But most importantly, a healthy protein source and plenty of water.
What are the most common injuries you’re seeing and are they preventable?
Every injury is preventable. Lower-back pain is on the rise along with ‘tech-neck’. Unfortunately, these pain are exacerbated from sitting down and also an increase in smart-phone use. Fortunately however, a high percentage of these are muscular-imbalances which can be corrected with myo-fascial massage and some postural exercises.
What are your top tips for making workouts more productive?
Have a plan and stick to it. A plan isn’t the next exercise – it’s the next few months. Set goals whether it’s gain more muscle, lose body fat or compete in a fun run. Oh and leave your phone in the locker.
Is there a simple and cost-effective way people can look after their bodies at home?
Utilise your free-time at home to stretch and mobilise your joints. Opening up our shoulders from a rounded position and stretching our hip flexors can go a long way in balancing muscles and loading force correctly. Don’t sit and watch TV, start in lunge position and extend your hip – you’ve probably been sat down all day!
Use a foam roller to rehydrate and promote blood flow to your quads. Lie face down on a tennis ball into your hip joint. Use your doorframe to stretch your tight chest muscles.
What are the most common training mistakes you see?
We're seeing a generation of sedentary office-workers with huge muscular imbalances who move from 6 hours of sitting a day to smashing a multi-joint, dynamic, ballistic 45 minute cross-fit class. Baby-steps are essential - TRX rows, band walking and 1kg overhead press are favourite tools of mine to keep the scapular retractors, gluteals and shoulder joints functioning correctly.
What are your top 5 tips for recovering effectively?
Sleep at least 8-9 hours a night!
Water - Aim to drink 2.5L - 3.0L a day
Reduce Stress – Do some regular meditation or yoga
Myofascial Massage – Make sure you get some muscle and fascia recovery
Enjoy yourself! – Take at least one meal a week to enjoy a treat.